segunda-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2018

2º dia - Brasília e Luís Eduardo Magalhães (06/01/2018)

Lugares que visitamos: 
-Memorial Juscelino Kubitscheck 
-Igreja Dom Bosco
-Templo da LBV

     Brasília... the capital of Brazil... the capital of misticism... the city constructed in the past yet appears to have been founded by an alternate futuristic life form. When in Brasília, it doesn't feel like you're in Brazil. For that matter, it doesn't feel like you're on planet earth, as the architecture and the vibe in general feels unprecedented. The archs and the pyramids which reside in the city makes it feel as if aliens gave the city gifts in form of architecture and flew away, just like the French gave America the Statue of Liberty. 
       The first thing we did today was go to Dom Bosco's church (Igreja Dom Bosco). When you step inside the church, the blue light that reflects off the glass in the church gives you a sense of peace, comfort, and tranquility. When you walk to the center of the church, you can see a display of a mannequin of Dom Bosco resting in his grave. On top of that hangs a huge multi-layer chandelier, adding the cherry on top in terms of the surrounding beauty. 
       After, we went to a temple called "Templo de Boa Vontade" (temple of welcome). Before entering, I assumed that it was another form of worship for Christianity, Brazil's main religion, but I quickly found out that it was a place for all forms of people. Whichever ideology. Whichever religion. Whichever type of person you are, you are welcome in the temple of peace, as the idea of co-existence is ever present in the art that hangs on the walls. Although Brazil is dominantly Catholic, I feel as though this is a good representation of Brazil as the idea of co-existence resides in the soul of the open and informal Brazilian culture-- one that sees a person for who he is instead of what they want. 
       Finally, we went to the memorial of Juscelino Kubitscheck (JK). For me and I assume for most people, it was by far the most intriguing place of the day. I don't remember the exact date, but JK was in office cerca the 1950' and 1960's. His idealism and visionary goals were responsible for moving the capital city of Brazil from Rio de Janeiro to Brasília. The reasons for this were to alleviate the exponentially growing and condensed population of the coastal regions and populate central Brazil, as virtually nobody except isolated farmers resided there. His slogan was "5 years in 50 years", as this referred to his rapid growth and development at unprecedented rates. None of us could believe how quickly the city was constructed for its beauty and complexity. Today we learned the importance of having visionary characteristics, because this world is constantly changing, and we must always adapt and develop if we want to make the world a better place for its future inhabitants. Kubitscheck had a dream, a vision, but he also had very precise plans to back his ideas up. And for that, he gave Brazil a very brief pocket of rapid development, one that improved the lives of many. 
       I want to leave this blog off with one last thought to whoever reads this. And this is something that if you're an exchange student or a world traveler, you will inevitably learn whether it be for the good or for the bad. I feel like this is the value of exchange. Learning things that you never even thought existed until the experience. The idea spurred from my experience is: If you're able to learn to adapt to your surroundings, the world will be more willing to adapt to you. Do not expect people to conform to you as you wouldn't want to completely conform the other way. There should be a median somewhere in the chaos and that is the pathway to peace. 
VISIT BRASÍLIA! I promise you won't be disappointed. 
Faisal Al-Hmoud 
Primeiro vez, desculpe se meu Português e minha gramática estão errados. 

     Brasília... a capital do Brazil... a capital do misticismo... a cidade que foi construído no passado mas ainda tem uma sentida futurística. É uma cidade que se você nunca fue, você teria nem idea o que se vai ver. Nem um intercambisto sabia o que seria lá na cidade de mistério. As ruas são limpas, a arquitetura está de outro mundo, e todos os coisas lá tem uma significa profundo.
         Primeiro, nós fomos a Igreja Dom Bosco. Quando você chegar lá dentro, todo é azul. A atmosfera e a ar lindo tem um sentido de paz por causa da luz azul.  
        Depois, nós fomos ao templo da Boa Vontade (LBV). Esse templo têm a forma de uma pirâmide come sete faces e ostenta no ápice um cristal 21 quilos. Esse lugar estava maravilhosa pra nós (em particular, as calças lindas que eles nos ofereceram. Lá, não pode entra sem calças). Quando chegamos lá dentro, percebemos que esse lugar não é um templo para uma religião... não esse lugar é pra todos. Cada religião, cada forma das pessoas, e cada ideologia. E por isso, ao lugar é a templo de paz. 
         Próximo, e pra mim a lugar que estava mais legal, fomos ao memorial de Juscelino Kubitscheck (JK). JK era o presidente do Brazil cerca dos 50's e 60's. JK teve muito sucesso na oficina porque ele estava um visionário, uma idealística. O sonho dele foi que mudar a capital de Brazil de Rio de Janeiro para Brasília. As razões para a mudança era levar à população para interior do país e aliviar o congestionamento do Rio de Janeiro. Depois ele inaugurou a nova capital, ele construída a cidade de Brasília em uma forma incrível... o progresso que deveria demorou 50 anos demorou 5 anos. As ideas de JK desenvolveu Brazil em uma forma que ninguém consegue, e por isso ele é muito famoso no mundo inteiro. É um prazer para conhecer essa lugar porque eu percebi que na vida, às vezes precisamos ser visionários por causa de desenvolvimento. Além disso, foi um prazer conhecer todos os lugares em Brasília, porque com certeza esse é o único lugar no mundo que é assim. 

VISITA BRASÍLIA! Se vai adorar. 
Faisal Al-Hmoud

Um comentário:

  1. Faisal, I don't have words to express how happy I felt after reading your words about my country!It's so nice to see that it does exist exchange students that really live the experience to absorve a hundred percent of their year abroad!So so so proud of you and your point of view. Please keep being like this for the rest of your life and the world will certainly be a happier place because of people like you. Good job!
    Mariana (an yep comitee member)
