quinta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2018

7º dia - Maceió (11/01/2018)

Today we didn't get much sleep, because we arrived late yesterday and woke up early today, but it was worth it. We went to Praia de Pajuçara, got in a few small boats and went 2km inside the ocean to swim in natural pools. It was a place in the middle of the ocean where our feet reached the bottom. The water was nice and we had fun. Later we went back to the coast and had lunch at a place called Sueca, which means Swedish, but the food was Brazilian haha. Then we got in the bus again and went to another beach called Praia do Francês for surf lessons. When we finished, we walked back to the hotel, because it was pretty close, had dinner and then free time until curfew.


Hoje, nos não dormimos muito porque chegamos tarde ontem e acordamos cedo hoje, mas valeu a pena. A gente foi pra Praia do Pajuçara e andamos de barco até 2km pra dentro do mar para nadar nas piscinas naturais. Era um lugar no meio do mar onde nosso pé podia tocar o chão. A água estava muito boa e foi legal. Depois a gente voltou pra costa e almoçamos no lugar chamado Sueca, que significa Swedish, mas a comida era brasileira haha. Depois nos fomos de ônibus até outra praia chamada Praia do Francês para aulas de surfe. Quando acabou, andamos até hotel porque era perto e jantamos, depois ficamos com tempo livre até curfew.

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